My life bucket list

I’ve done the travel bucket list and I started thinking about what I want in life, what I’d like to achieve, what I’d like to see.

I used to have it all worked out, had all the answers and knew exactly what was going to happen.

It didn’t and I got ill, so I have to adjust. What do I want out of life now? My first attempt is below and I’m sure will be added to in time.

1. Health

Highest on the list is recovery. So many factors attached to this and I have to adjust accordingly. This means ticking off a few things on this list; financial stability, life balance and doing things for my mental health on a regular basis, such as travel.
It’s a difficult road but I’m on it.

2. Blogging Success

It’s early days as I’ve not been writing that long but I am enjoying this so far. I don’t know how far blogging will go and I’m not expecting big things, although I wouldn’t say no. As long as people enjoy my ramblings, I’ll write.
Comes down to definition of success and that’s not easy to  answer. It’s certainly two way, with me continuing to enjoy writing and people enjoying reading.
I would certainly like to make it a career as well, if possible.

3. Financial Security

I assume that most would have this down on their list. We are in a difficult position at the moment due to my illness and decisions borne upon me. This will be worked out and although we are not in any way destitute, we have a difficult time ahead financially.
It is a goal of mine to be financially secure and independent, with little or zero debt, income from several streams, allowing us to live comfortably.
I’m hoping that writing will lead somewhere toward this, although I accept it’s highly unlikely that huge riches are on their way. I’ll take a decent living though, in whatever shape that comes, do what needs to be done to achieve the financial freedom in the shortest time we can.
Some hard decisions lie ahead as we’ve no family silver and the attic is empty.

4. Travel

Both Lady M & I enjoy travelling, seeing different places and doing something new. It’s good for the soul, for mental health, for learning and also opens the mind to other possibilities, new experiences.
Now the kids are older and once we can sort finances, it’s something we have to rediscover.

5. Living in the Highlands

A recent favourite quote states ‘I just want to live on the beach, walk it at night, fall asleep with the windows open, listening to the waves crash.’ This is something I feel deeply about doing as it is the quality of life that I crave. I don’t mean a passing fancy because we went there once on holiday once. I mean a strongly held, deep desire. It’s my mind palace, my go to place to calm my mind and body when in the grip of the sneaky bastard of an illness; on the beach, walking with my wonderful wife and kids, plus dogs.
It’s in my DNA. I come from a line of crofter / fishers, as they are called, who lived off land as well as sea and another branch built ships on the Clyde, with one particularly hardy ancestor completing an arctic expedition by boat.
And I live in the most landlocked county in the UK……go figure.

The number one consideration above all else is the kids’ education and as both are settled, excelling in their schools, it won’t happen until the time is absolutely right for them. They are the reason we put one foot in front of another and they will be given the best opportunities we can provide.
I will not disrupt that at any cost, even at the expense of myself.

What I want more than anything is that the family is happy, content and secure together. It’s been a trying few years and as I’ve said before, I really don’t know why Lady M has stuck with me. I am lucky, so rich in that regard, punching well above my weight and we have two wonderful kids to make us complete. It’s my job to make sure they don’t grow up to be like me, to make sure they have what they need to be happy, healthy and rounded people.

Not too much to ask, I hope.

What would be on your life bucket list?

7 thoughts on “My life bucket list

  1. Another great read. We’ve all got to have dreams. I know that’s what keeps me going. I’m looking at doing some part time work, maybe in a supermarket, just to help bring in the cash. Like yourself, we’ve noticed a big change in how our life is panning out, now that I don’t have a good wage coming in. I’m lucky in the sense that I got a pension from the NHS, so there’s some coming in ( doesn’t stop David working all the overtime he can get, tho). This makes me feel guilty as I see how exhausted he is, but he won’t be told otherwise. I hope when your kids grow up you get to live your dream life and spend hours walking on the beach. Mine is to be somewhere hot and sunny………it will happen xx

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  2. I have to admit, I have never even thought of writing one. My main reason would be doubt. It’s hard not to let doubt cloud any ambitions or desires you have, especially being naturally pessimistic. It’s strange though as I have for a long time, been a firm believer of the ‘Law of attraction’ and that positive minds breed positive outcomes yet now, thinking about what I want out of life, I do genuinely doubt the possibilities no matter how hard I try.

    Is it possible to have the desire to succeed yet doubt every step of the way?

    I won’t let it stop me reaching my goals though, no chance. In fact, I’ll start now. Here’s my list….

    1) To show my children the world.

    2) To say YES. Accept invitations, experience out of my comfort zone.

    3) To study History (Always been intrigued by the Tudor age)

    There’s three to get me going… I’ll let you know how it goes 😉


    1. Get to it – it’s liberating.
      And good luck with it.
      Doubt is good as long as it doesn’t overwhelm. See other blogs on my illness to get a picture.
      It really is something to watch as the career can consume and take you over negatively.
      Look forward to reading more from you.


      1. I will, thank you! 🙂 I totally agree, it’s about finding the balance and using it to find positives. It’s not easy but possible. I’ll take a look at your other posts and yes, same here. I’ll keep a look out 🙂

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